
Cooperative Ombudsman

In exercise of the powers conferred under section 85 A of the multi-state cooperative Societies Act,2002 (39 of 2002) and amendment {11 of 2023) read with rules 30A, 30B and 30C of the multi-state cooperative societies rules, 2002, the central Government has appointed Shri. Alok Agarwal as a Co-operative Ombudsman with territorial Jurisdiction of entire country for a period of three years, as per terms and conditions specified in the said ACT and rules. His office shall be situated at 9th Floor, Tower E , World Trade Centre, Nauroji Nagar, New Delhi 110029.

Cooperative Ombudsman shall enquire into the complaints made by any members of the Multi-state Cooperative Society regarding their deposits, equitable benefits of society, functioning or any other issue affecting the individual rights of the concerned member, in such manner. as may be prescribed in the MSCS Act 2002 and Rules there under. The aggrieved members can make their complaints in Form VI as provided in the MSCS Rules 2002.

Cooperative Ombudsman will also be the Appellate Authority against any order passed by the cooperative Information Officer of the Multi-state Cooperative Society. Members may prefer their Appeal, in form VII as provided in the MSCS Rules 2002.