

    • An Individual in his/her name
    • More than one person jointly (Maximum 4 persons)
    • An illiterate person
    • A blind / visually Impaired / Incapacitated Persons
    • A guardian on behalf of minor in the minor's name
    • Charitable/ Religious institutions
    • Trust, Clubs, Association, NGO
    • Local bodies, all types of Co-operative Societies or any other body
    • Staff members
    • Student who has completed 14 year of Age.
    Initial Deposit for opening Savings Bank Account & minimum balance to be maintained in the account :

    Mumbai / Navi Mumbai / Raigad [Except Pen Branch] & Pune Branches - with cheque book Rs.1,000/- without cheque book Rs.500/- All other Branches (with & without cheque Book) Rs.500/-.